Max Kaye

Practical Revolutionary, Bitcoiner, Future Senator

Broadcast Nonstandard Txs Quickly [Bitcoin]

So, I recently wanted to broadcast a nonstandard tx and didn’t want to wait for full blockchain sync on my dev machine.

I knew that Eligius supports the Free Tx Relay Policy, and that I’d sent them nonstandard txs before, but all the IPs I could find weren’t accepting connections. Finally I found and was able to connect and broadcast the message. Later I realised you can search for ‘eligius’ to find nodes.

This is a great start, but we still need to send the transaction. By default Bitcoin Core does not relay transactions that:

  • Are nonstandard
  • Contain outputs not in the current UTXO set

At this point we are going to need to compile a version of Bitcoin Core. We will need to address the above two problems to broadcast a transaction. The second problem is included so we don’t have to download the whole blockchain, allowing us to relay pretty much...

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